City of Stanford
Recent News About City of Stanford
Lincoln County sees influx of 512 people from across the same state in 2019
512 people from across the state moved to Lincoln County during 2019, an increase over the previous year, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
Lincoln County sees influx of 586 people in 2019
586 people moved to Lincoln County during 2019, an increase over the previous year, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
Biggest Swings: UTG Inc. (UTGN:PKC) among top 50 on Oct. 5
UTG Inc. traded at $28.02 by end of day.
Analysis: How many residents in Lincoln County public housing in 2021 identify as a minority?
In Lincoln County public housing 2% of residents in 2021 identified as a minority, according to the U.S. Census.
Analysis: How many Lincoln County residents live in public housing in 2021?
There were 103 people living in taxpayer-funded public housing located throughout Lincoln County in 2021, according to the U.S. Census.
Analysis: How many Lincoln County residents used housing-choice vouchers in 2021?
There were 45 people who used housing choice vouchers in Lincoln County in 2021, according to the U.S. Census.
Lincoln County residents have median age of 41 by 2020
Lincoln County residents have a median age of 41-years-old as of 2020, according to US Census Data.
Going Somewhere: Lincoln County sees no change in population from 2020 to 2021
Lincoln County had the 46th largest population in Kentucky in 2021.
UTG Inc. (UTGN:PKC) swings up 19.2% on stock market in one day
UTG Inc. traded at $31 by end of day.
14.9% of households in Stanford received food stamps in 2020
Stanford ranked 241st in Kentucky for the percentage of households receiving food stamps in 2020, according to U.S. Census Bureau data.
25.4 percent of people 25 or older have an associate's degree or higher in Stanford
25.4 percent of people 25 years or older had an associate's degree or higher in Stanford in 2020, according to data obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Enforcement officers in Stanford deal with 84 crimes against society in 2020
There were 217 offenses throughout Stanford in 2020.
These are the top 100 largest PPP loans in 2021 in ZIP Code 40484
These are the top 100 largest PPP loans provided in 2021 to small businesses in ZIP Code 40484, according to the US Small Business Administration.
Census Bureau: More women than men in Stanford in 2020
Of the 3,673 people living in Stanford in 2020, 51.2 percent (1,882) were women and 48.8 percent (1,791) were men, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained by the SW Bluegrass News.
Census Bureau: 2.7% of people in Lincoln County identified as multi-racial in 2019
Of the 24,476 citizens living in Lincoln County in 2019, 97.3 percent said they were only one race, while 2.7 percent said they were two or more races, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained in January.
Census Bureau: 76.3 percent of people in Lincoln County were old enough to vote in 2019
Of the 24,476 citizens living in Lincoln County in 2019, 18,686 were old enough to vote as of Jan. 26, according to U.S. Census Bureau data.
Census Bureau: 5.7% of people in Stanford identified as multi-racial in 2019
Of the 3,677 citizens living in Stanford in 2019, 94.3 percent said they were only one race, while 5.7 percent said they were two or more races, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained in January.
Census Bureau: 81.1 percent of people in Stanford were old enough to vote in 2019
Of the 3,677 citizens living in Stanford in 2019, 2,981 were old enough to vote as of Jan. 26, according to U.S. Census Bureau data.
HHS provides $672,441 to businesses in Stanford under CARES Act
Through the fourth quarter of 2020, businesses in Stanford received $672,441 in health-related relief from the CARES Act issued by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Census Bureau reports Stanford population was 3,677 in 2019
Stanford had a population of 3,677 people in 2019, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained by the SW Bluegrass News.